
Our 2023 programme: 23 Feb: '1926' - our speaker is our Chairman, Martyn Lockwood. 23 Mar: Annual General Meeting. 27 Apr: 'John Ray' - Jennifer Rowland. 25 May: Napoleonic Invasion Plans - Neil Wiffen. 22 Jun: 'Jersey under the Jackboot: the occupation of Jersey during WW2' - Patrick Griggs. 27 Jul: 'The Life and Times of William Byrd (c1540-1623): A Local History' - Andrew Smith. 26 Oct: 'The Prison at Hill Hall' - Anne Padfield. 23 Nov: Pre-Christmas meeting. Talk to be confirmed. Admission: Members £1, Non-members £5 Annual Membership: £15 (Family: £30)

Monday, 27 January 2014

Great War Commemoration

The BBC commemorates the Great War with 2500 hours of programming over the next four years, with a website containing extensive coverage of the events of 1914 to 1918. The High Country History Group will also be making a contribution to the war commemoration effort by holding talks and publishing information in its Journal and on this blog. 

Andrew Smith has previously published material on the Blackmore Area Local History blog and website